Bleach Anime Openings l Tier List | 15 Openings Ranked Worst to Best

In this episode we will be ranking the Bleach ops from best to worst.

*~Asterisk~  - by Orange Range 

D-tecnoLife  - by UVERworld 

 Ichirin no Hana - by High and Mighty Color 

Tonight, Tonight, Tonight - by Beat Crusaders [bount filler arc]

 Rolling Star - by Yui

 Alones - by Aqua timez

 After Dark - by Asian kung-fu Generation 

 Chu-Bura - by by Kelun [Fake capt arc]

 Velonica - by Aqua timez 

 Shojo S -  by Scandal

 Anima Rossa - Graffitti by [Zanpackto filler arc] 

 chAngE - by miwa

 Ranbu no Melody - by Sid

 BLUE - by Vivid [The Reigai Uprising filler arc]

 Harukaze - by Scandal


Undisputed Anime

Undisputed Anime Podcast covers on all things anime & manga. Join us as we discuss, recommend and analyse everything related to anime. Hosted by Zane Reid & Tsutsudae